Time as a Best Friend & a Trusted Ally
Time belongs to those who truly value it. This is the motto I live by. When I speak with many of my successful clients & friends and ask...
Talent, Authenticity & Congruence
Today I will blog on my all-time favourite singer-songwriter, Cheer Chen (Chen Qizhen); and on the very important topics of Talent,...
A Day in Singapore when Behavioral Economics was the Main Topic of the Day
On 26 June 2008, almost 2 years ago, 250 of Singapore's leaders explored, expounded & discussed the very important topic of Behavioral...
Heroic Action
This blog entry is inspired by (i) the achievements & impact of Dr Goh Keng Swee's Leadership, (ii) the enduring legacy, the very deep &...
Hole in the World
The Eagles is one of my all-time favourite bands. I've been listening to The Eagles since the 70's and I love them for their classic...
Becoming My Own Boss
Time flies. 1st May (Labour Day) marks the 110th day of Rested Edge Advisory, the business advisory with a twist, set up with a whole lot...
Connecting the Dots to Singapore's Productivity Challenge
Now that the dust has settled on the Economic Strategies Committee (ESC) recommendations and the Budget 2010 debates, perhaps it’s...
Fostering the Singapore Identity
As Singapore enters a new decade, what can be done to make our country more cohesive? While Singaporeans may be divided on the advantages...
Perspectives on Singapore Perspectives 2010
A thought-provoking day, I left Singapore Perspectives 2010 with 3 takeaways. One, the nexus of Singapore as Economy, Society and Nation...
Take a Good Look at the "Soul of the City"
The year 2008 is when more than half of the world's population lives in cities, a trend that will gain velocity as we barrel towards...