The Rested Edge Advisory Quarterly
Issue 03/2017
I hope you'll find Issue 03/2017 a great read.
Abraham Lincoln once said: "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."
If you are to pause and reflect a bit - since the beginning of 2017, have you been sharpening your axe, or simply trying to chop down the tree? What about your team, your company? Have you been developing and growing your People and their Promise, or simply driving them for Performance?
Promise = Performance + Potential + Pertinent Prioritizations
There is no better time than NOW to get intentional, proactive and strategic on Leadership Development.
The Mission of Rested Edge Advisory is "Helping Leaders Create Better Futures".
If there is anything which Rested Edge Advisory can assist you and your team/organisation with, please feel free to reach me at or 9689 4828. Cheers!
Download Issues 03/2017, 02/2015 and 01/2015 of The Rested Edge Quarterly here!