You Keep Getting Better!
Recently I'd met up with someone I'd liked and respected for many years now, and whom I treat as a mentor, both professionally and societally. Our meetings were over 2 lunches 4 months apart.
During these couple of lunches, this person mentioned to me 4 words that truly made my day. What did he say?
The 4 words which made my day were --- "You Keep Getting Better!".
These 4 words were very meaningful to me as they were uttered by someone I sincerely admire, and whom I deeply respect & care about.
One of my favourite phrases of JFK, other than "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" has always been "Leadership & Learning are indispensable to each other".
The phrase "You Keep Getting Better!" will not have been uttered if I had consistently only done one activity --- be it "Leadership" or "Learning" --- at the expense of the other.
All of us should constantly ask ourselves 2 key questions: (i) Are you leading & learning at the same time? and (ii) Are you continuing to get better?