Since its creation in 2010, Rested Edge Advisory has advanced thinking, perspectives, and teachable POVs (Points-of-Views) on the 3 important topics below. For 2020, these 3 important topics remain very much my focus.
Behavioral Economics,
Policy Making &
Nation Building.
What is the sweet spot between these 3 areas which allows continents, countries, cities, communities, citizens to get along well with each other, build socially cohesive & harmonious societies, improve engaged citizenry at the overall & individual levels, and demonstrate engaged citizenry behaviors which will benefit Economy, Society and State?
What are some of the things Singapore can consider doing more of to improve & advance in this regard?
What will a Balanced Scorecard of Behavioral Economic measures look like?
How best to balance Objective Well-Being with Subjective Well-Being measures and initiatives for Policy-Making,
Nation-Building and Future-Making?
What will this Nation-wide Balanced Scorecard look like?
This is a long-standing interest of mine and continues to occupy much of my passion.
Singapore as a Learning Nation.
For Singapore to continue to propel strongly forward, I sincerely believe that we must not simply be an Education, Training & Development Nation, but that rather we must be a Learning Nation.
How can Singapore best achieve this and what benefits will it bring us? What are the first steps to take? What kind of new thinking and behaviors do we need? How can we make this new mindset, skillset and behavior set become habit?
As Aristotle once said: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."
There are many positive things which happen when a person learns something new every day, gets to do what s/he does best everyday, and gets to work on something along his/her area of passion. This is paratelics (personal path to talents/excellence) at its very best.
Learning & growing everyday adds to emotional well-being, innovation, creativity, productivity, ability to deliver sustainable exceptional results at the individual, group, organizational, community & societal levels, so learning & growing should not strictly nor solely be linked primarily with an economic purpose.
Measure of a Leader,
Mark of a Man.
When is a leader at his best?
Can a leader constantly be “in-the-zone”?
Is this “in-the-zone” feeling and level & ease of achievements sustainable? How best to make it so?
If Leadership at its best is to consistently deliver on results & impact, to strategically & smoothly influence others, and to build sustainable engaged enterprises and communities with high performance & well-being, how then can this “rested edge” and that “in-the-zone” feeling... and the ability to deliver constantly at one’s best be authentically sustained and exponentially enhanced?
This is an area which continues to interest me and occupies much of my time, energies, emotions and attention.