Foreword for The Dream Journal (which will soon be launched in Sep/Oct 2014)
The Dream Journal you hold in your hands is a labour of love. Borne out of One Dream’s raison d’être that everyone should have a Dream...
You Keep Getting Better!
Recently I'd met up with someone I'd liked and respected for many years now, and whom I treat as a mentor, both professionally and...
Goals for 2014 (in 9 words)
What are your Goals for 2014? My Goals for 2014 can be written up with 9 words: Do Best Work, Build Best Home, Live Best Life. It truly...
The Secret to Living Our Lives Fully
For many of us a “well-lived life”, rather than a “great career”, becomes an important objective somewhere mid-way through our careers....
The Singapore Dream... and sailing confidently towards it
Of late there has been much talk and discussion about the Singapore Dream. I guess this is most natural, given that every year, on the...
The Importance of Creativity
Let's commence this Thought-of-The-Week entry with a quote from this week's Newsweek
Passions & The Importance of Passion
Let's talk about Passions today. I think Passions allow a person to dynamically focus and combine his Time, Energies, Emotions,...
Talent, Authenticity & Congruence
Today I will blog on my all-time favourite singer-songwriter, Cheer Chen (Chen Qizhen); and on the very important topics of Talent,...