Beyond Skills to Simplicity, Mastery & Impact
When one looks at high-performing people who also exhibit great potential, is it solely attitudes, skills & knowledge (ASK) that they possess? Or is there something more?
A great attitude, a decent set of skills, and a good grasp of knowledge are unquestionably important – but in the 21st century where ever larger numbers of the world’s populations are getting better educated – is the acquisition of a degree, diploma, and/or technical certification adequate?
Perhaps they are necessary as a good first step, and very much worth striving for. But in this highly competitive era, where one needs to compete yet co-opt, collaborate and co-create with the rest of the world, the educational acquisition of skills & knowledge must proactively & intentionally prepare & lead one on a lifelong quest to deepen one’s mastery & sharpen one’s impact.
In this short essay, let me share some thoughts of how Singapore can best prepare its citizens to do so. I will do so using the credo of the company I created some 4+ years ago – Simplicity, Mastery & Impact.
The value of Education must be the unquestionable ability of the student to not only pick up skills & knowledge, but that which s/he can simplify & apply in their career & life journeys. Contrary to popular thinking, simplifying & applying is not a simple task. It requires deep mastery rather than rote learning. Rote learning will enable the student to imitate / re-create the scenario taught & learnt; whilst simplifying & applying requires the student to (i) take on a big picture, helicopter view, (ii) apply a healthy dose of imagination, (iii) sprinkle a good measure of analysis, and then (iv) armed with a sense of realism & pragmatism, apply cleverly & compellingly to the real world. Simplifying & applying will require the student to strategically, analytically & continuously master what’s been taught and learnt, to create new insights, perspectives and products.
The value of Training must not simply be the leader, manager, employee or worker gathering more certifications or picking up more skills; but rather the broadening, deepening & widening of Mastery & Impact in what s/he does at work & in life, such that s/he predictively experiences & enjoys greater progress, success & achievements.
For Singapore to punch above its weight in this highly competitive, yet deeply co-opting, collaborative & co-creating 21st century, our national & organizational policies & programs, and every leader, manager, employee & worker will need to think and act beyond Education & Training to a brand new paradigm of Simplicity, Mastery & Impact.