Simplicity. Mastery. Impact.
Luxury lies not in how much stuff we have but in how well it's made --- and how highly we value it.
Most firms are over consulted and under advised.
Like suits, shirts, pens, watches, bags, shoes; crafts which last the test of time and are of high significance & value are often completed in full by a master craftsman...
...advice is best threaded stitch by stitch by a trusted, experienced, expert hand.
Business Advisory Retainer
Rested Edge Advisory will provide annual retained business advisory services for a minimum guaranteed SGD 36K per year per organization. This is trusted advisor, experienced Managing Partner level advice provided on demand, at "point-of-need" for less than the annual pay of a fresh University graduate.
SGD 36K per year will retain Managing Partner Peter Ong for 12 hours of concerted expert advice, utilized any time during the year, at the client's full discretion & convenience. Advisory beyond 12 hours will be pre-cleared with the client and billed a nominal SGD 4K per hour.
Talks & Conversations
Sometimes you don't need formal training programs, just talks or "arm chair" conversations --- especially when all you want as a leader is to test a new idea to tease direct report, opinion maker and organizational response, or to broach a new topic for overall change journey management and eventual organizational behavior (OB) transformation.
Talks are a nominal SGD 4K for 30-min, SGD 6K for 45-min and SGD 8K per hour. Prep time is a nominal SGD 4K per unique topic. "Arm Chair" Conversations are SGD 3K for 30-min, SGD 4K for 45-min and SGD 5K per hour. There are no prep time charges for Conversations.
Executive Coaching
Most leaders need an Executive Coach. It is an organizational privilege and executive benefit to have one. If the leader is already very good, the Executive Coach's role is to help him or her reach greatness, and to make lasting, exceptional, game-changing contributions. If the leader is new, young, "up-and-coming", it will be the Executive Coach's role to stretch, to test, to challenge, to help accelerate and affirm the leader's potential, capacity and confidence to meet organizational demands whilst ensuring that business performance and people leadership remain top-notch. Occasionally Executive Coaching is about readying a hi-potential employee for an impending promotion or a significant increase of responsibility.
Executive Coaching rates are SGD 2.5K per hour, with a nominal SGD 0.5K prep fee for every hour of coaching conducted. Minimal contractual obligations are 3 coaching hours per leader per year.
STAMP Services
"Succession/Strategic Talents Ask & Match Program"
Leadership Development Programs
Leadership Development Programs will be exclusively customized to the client's unique needs, business challenges, growth demands, and specific learning objectives.
Rested Edge Advisory's 7 Proprietary Models can be easily leveraged:
ASPIRE Leader Model
ASPIRE Leader Model
ACES Organizational Change Model
Leading & Managing for Peak Performance KUEH LAPIS
9Es Model for Change Management
TEAMS Model for Tough Times
TILT Change Leadership Model
TIPS Consulting Model
Rates are a nominal SGD 10K for designing and customizing the program, and SGD 1K per leader for 1/2 day programs, SGD 2K per leader for full day programs, SGD 3.75K per leader for 2 day programs and SGD 5K per leader for 3 day programs. Prices include all participant materials, less venue charges and F&B which will be arranged by the client.
Barometer Services
"Measuring What Counts... & Making a Difference"
Under STAMP, Rested Edge’s Managing Partner Peter Ong will personally assist his clients to identify, suggest, and to very discreetly & confidentially “ask & match” highly sought-after & suitable Succession/Strategic Talents to augment his clients’ internal Succession Management initiatives, which will very likely already include Succession Planning, Leadership Development and Leader Acceleration, led & executed from a holistic, intentional, strategic & proactive basis.
Rested Edge Advisory’s clients pay NO up-front retainer fee for STAMP. Only upon successful “ask & match”, when both parties (client & individual) are mutually happy & satisfied, when the Succession/Strategic Talent has signed on the dotted line, will any STAMP fee need to be paid.
For 2014, STAMP fee is 20% of the 1st-year total annual fixed cash component of the Succession/Strategic Talent in his/her new job role. In addition, there will be a "free replacement" should the STAMP candidate leaves the client organization within 6 months, except for legit medical reasons.
Successful individuals can be placed discreetly & confidentially on Rested Edge Advisory’s portfolio of STAMP talents. There is NO fee for this and strict confidentiality will be observed at all times. Individuals who are placed on the portfolio of STAMP talents will be asked (i) FIVE companies which they truly want to work in, and (ii) FIVE bosses whom they truly want to work for… and Managing Partner Peter Ong will work strategically, intentionally, proactively & discreetly to help these portfolio of STAMP talents land their dream jobs. Even upon successful “ask & match”, there is NO fee whatsoever on the individual’s part.
From an Ethics standpoint, leaders, managers & employees of all active clients of Rested Edge Advisory will not be included in the portfolio of STAMP talents.
Behavioural Economics,
Sense-, Decision-, Policy- & Future-Making,
Community, Nation & Engaged Citizenry Building
What is the sweet spot between these areas which allows continents, countries, cities, communities, citizens to get along well with each other, build socially cohesive & harmonious societies, improve engaged citizenry at the overall & individual levels, and demonstrate engaged citizenry behaviors which will benefit Economy, Society and State?
What are some of the things which Singapore & our neighboring countries can consider doing more of to improve & advance in this regard? What will a Balanced Scorecard of Behavioral Economic measures look like? How best to balance Objective Well-Being with Subjective Well-Being measures and initiatives for Sense-Making, Decision-Making, Policy-Making, Future-Making and for Community, Nation & Engaged Citizenry Building? What will a community-level/country-level Balanced Scorecard look like?
These are the insights & action steps which Barometer seeks to provide leaders in the Political, Public, Private & People sectors, through “measuring what counts … & making a difference”.
Barometer projects can be simple or complex, depending on what the client wants/needs. Whilst the complete range of Barometer services enable clients to experience & benefit from the very best of Rested Edge Advisory and a stellar list of able advisors & fieldwork companies, Barometer services can also be procured on a simple Societal Advisory retainer or "bill by hour" basis, where Managing Partner Peter Ong will work directly with & advise the client leader & his/her teams on what needs to be measured, what the "data to information to insight" suggests re Sense-Making, Decision-Making, Policy-Making, and Future-Making Next Steps & Actions.
All Rested Edge Advisory projects will be priced at 1/2 rate for all organizations in the Education, Community & Societal sectors.
Back of Peter's Name Card
Simplicity. Mastery. Impact.
Effective ideas need not be complex. They should be very simple. Useful, workable and helpful policies and programs, at the national, societal, community, organisational, department and team levels, need not be complicated.
Many times they are, can be, or should be, very simple.
Even if policies and programs are highly complex, they can be simply and masterfully presented and explained. If policies and programs are profoundly complicated, all the more they should be designed, communicated, implemented, tracked, refined and re-implemented with
Simplicity, Mastery and Impact.
Only when doing so will optimal benefits be ensured and realized.
Simplicity. Mastery. Impact.
This is the mantra for all projects and initiatives undertaken by Rested Edge Advisory.