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What is Your Leadership Brand?

Let us commence this Thought-of-The-Week entry with a question. "When you buy something, is the brand important for you?" Perhaps you have not thought much about this seemingly simple question.

For me, the brand is important, especially if the item is expensive to begin with, or if I expect myself to use the item for quite a long while to come, or if the item will somehow journey through Life (and its ups & downs) with me... and partake with me successes, achievements, and the occasional set-backs along the way... like my beloved pens, watches, and briefcases.

When someone wants to work for you, do you think they take note of your Leadership Brand? Again, perhaps you've not spent too much time mulling over this once again seemingly simple question.

"What is Your Leadership Brand?"

If I were to ask you this question today, will you have a good answer? Will you even have an answer? Will you have an answer that contradicts itself as you articulate its response?

"What is Your Leadership Brand?"

This is a simple question, but most times, for most people (even experienced leaders), this simple question draws a confused, complex, complicated response. Many people (even experienced leaders) do not know what their Leadership Brand is.

An interesting (but depressing) thing to note is that many of these leaders have invested much of their lives, much of their leadership... building & nurturing their companies' brands and the brands of their companies' multiple lines-of-business (LOBs) & products, but in the busyness of things, have given scant thought to their own personal leadership brand.

Someone who wants to join your organization, your team, your inner circle (especially if this person is thinking of the long haul), is going to take note of your Leadership Brand. Especially if the decision & movement to join your company comes with it a fair amount of risk & cost, especially if they see themselves in your organization, your team, working alongside you, for you, with you for the long haul, especially if they see themselves journeying through Life alongside you as their Leader, partaking, leading, coaching, advising & guiding them to their career & job successes, achievements and the occasional set-backs.

As 2010 comes to a close and as 2011 beckons, ask yourself "What is my Leadership Brand?". Issue yourself the challenge that before 2011 comes to a close, you will be able to eloquently & convincingly articulate the answer to this seemingly simple question. And that your answer will be authentic to the leader you are and the leader you aspire to be, that your answer is clear, concise & complete.

As an example, here is my personal Leadership Brand, honed over many years, and refreshed last night at my desk as I gazed into the night to ponder this question once again for the new year ahead (2011).

Some of the words are from leaders/thinkers/brands I admire, some of the words I've penned & refined over the years, but these 10 statements taken collectively describe my Leadership Brand necessarily & sufficiently. They describe my Leadership & Life perspectives clearly, concisely & completely.

1. Opportunities multiply as they are seized.

2. The only way to guarantee a better future is to create it.

3. People look at what is and ask why, I look at what can be and ask why not?

4. Never stop reaching for the stars.

5. A good name is better than riches.

6. Time belongs to those who truly value it.

7. Don't be afraid to play with the pros, even in their own backyard.

8. The only thing which interferes with my learning is my education.

9. Difference between a Great Life & an Exceptional Life ... is the Difference One Makes to Society.

10. Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. (Simplicity. Mastery. Impact.)

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