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The "One Dream" Initiative

As we inch towards 9 August 2010, Singapore's 45th National Day, let me unveil the "One Dream" Initiative.

"One Dream" is the first initiative to be jump-started by Rested Edge Advisory's "piggy bank" of funds. You may recall that when Rested Edge Advisory was created on 12 January 2010, my family and I committed 10% of all revenues earned & collected to help make Singapore a much better place. This represents our sincere, honest & humble contribution to facilitate inclusive growth for all in Singapore, with improved life opportunities experienced and enjoyed by all Singaporeans, such that economic & emotional marginalization becomes a thing of the past for as many Singaporeans as possible. In short, the Rested Edge Advisory "piggy bank" and what it funds will be for improving the realization of dreams by enhancing the economic and emotional well-being and potential of as many Singaporeans as possible.

These are all very noble (and very difficult to achieve) aims, so let's seriously ask ourselves, from a practical & pragmatic standpoint, what is "One Dream" all about? what can "One Dream" do? how can "One Dream" contribute? what does "One Dream" hope to achieve? what part can Rested Edge Advisory play? what part can you, your organization, or your association play? how can you contribute?

This "One Dream" Initiative blog post is sub-titled Craft of State, Art of Society, Science of Economy II as it picks up from my 11 July 2010 blog post entitled Craft of State, Art of Society, Science of Economy I where I talked about my personal 45th National Day wish for Singapore and all Singaporeans. The next 4 paragraphs are a re-cap from that 11 July 2010 entry:

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"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."

Even though I was born in 1969, and did not hear JFK's words uttered "first-hand" in 1961, his words remain seared in my brain, my heart, my being, my soul the very first time I came across them. JFK was appealing to America and Americans, he was talking about active citizenry, engaged citizenry, citizenry that galvanizes and builds inclusive and harmonious communities, a better society, a winning economy, a unified nation, an improved future. JFK was urging, challenging, imploring everyone in America to contribute to America not just as an Economy, but as a Society and a Nation. He was urging all Americans to chip in, in every big way or small, in every way they can, to collectively make America progressive, unified, glorious, winning, and great.

This is my personal birthday wish for Singapore and all Singaporeans as we move towards our 45th National Day, less than a month away.

For our 45th birthday, I wish for all Singaporeans to want to give more of themselves, and to actually give more of themselves. I wish for more, even all Singaporeans to play direct, involved, engaged roles to help Singapore grow as an Economy, evolve as a Society, and unify, achieve and win as a Nation.

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"One Dream" will be seeded with SGD 25,000 of funds from Rested Edge Advisory. Rested Edge Advisory is looking for 11 more partners (who may be individuals, corporations or associations) to allocate another SGD 25,000 each.

With a combined war chest of SGD 300,000, "One Dream" will then run a nation-wide contest for all students in Singapore Schools, where a panel of judges from the 12 contributing partners will award 12 "One Dream" prizes of SGD 25,000 to ideas/initiatives from the winning student teams (Each team will have at least 2 students (hopefully more) to encourage shared enthusiasm, joint responsibility, collective sustainability for the idea/initiative, and teamworking within and amongst the students) aimed at improving Singapore either through the Craft of State, the Art of Society, the Science of Economy, or a combination of any of the three.

It doesn't matter which exact categories the ideas/initiatives fit in, all that matters is that the students and the ideas/initiatives they come up with and will like funding on, represent sincere, passionate, creative, innovative, workable efforts for these students to give more of themselves and to play direct, involved, active, engaged roles to help Singapore grow as an Economy, evolve as a Society, and unify, achieve and win as a Nation.

In essence, the "One Dream" contest is based on this one question.

"If you and your mates have SGD 25,000, what is the "One Dream" which you will most like to see fulfilled --- where you will give your best, where you will play engaged, direct, involved roles, which represents your deepest passion --- to make Singapore a much better place, where everyone can live much better lives?"

Student winners for the "One Dream" contest in addition to receiving SGD 25,000 to fulfil their dreams to make Singapore a better place, will also be allocated mentors (successful individuals in Singapore society) who will mentor and "stretch" them to their very best leadership potential, excellence and impact when designing, planning and implementing their "One Dream" ideas/initiatives.

To make "One Dream" happen, I am on the lookout in the next 2 months for 11 other sponsors of SGD 25,000 each. If you will like to participate as an individual, corporation or association, please feel free to reach out to me. If you want to contribute in other ways (like designing & hosting the "One Dream" website, like composing and/or singing the "One Dream" theme song, like helping with the design or by sponsoring the printing of publicity brochures, like volunteering your time as the "One Dream" project manager or be a part of the "One Dream" project team, etc), please feel free to let me know. I can be reached at .

Singapore and Singaporeans can be more involved and we can all play active, direct, involved, engaged roles in helping Singapore achieve as State, Society and Economy. The "One Dream" journey has started. How can you contribute? What dreams do you have for Singapore and Singaporeans? What part can you play? We want to hear from you. Join us!

Let's make our "One Dream" for Singapore and Singaporeans happen. Join us... today.

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