Craft of State, Art of Society, Science of Economy
This Thought-of-the-Week entry is entitled Craft of State, Art of Society, Science of Economy. Deducible from the title, this will be a most difficult topic to address.
I will write on these 3 very much inter-related aspects, commencing with this entry; and I hope to, over the course of the next 6 months, present different facets (culminating in a "work-in-progress" but nonetheless coherent view) on the Craft of State, the Art of Society, the Science of Economy; and how they inter-relate.
Let me start with a person whom most everyone will know --- JFK, or John F Kennedy. JFK was the 35th President of the United States; and when he was inaugurated on January 20, 1961, he uttered these simple, profound words.
"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."
Even though I was born in 1969, and did not hear JFK's words uttered "first-hand" in 1961, his words remain seared in my brain, my heart, my being, my soul the very first time I came across them. JFK was appealing to America and Americans, he was talking about active citizenry, engaged citizenry, citizenry that galvanizes and builds inclusive and harmonious communities, a better society, a winning economy, a unified nation, an improved future. JFK was urging, challenging, imploring everyone in America to contribute to America not just as an Economy, but as a Society and a Nation. He was urging all Americans to chip in, in every big way or small, in every way they can, to collectively make America progressive, unified, glorious, winning, and great.
This is my personal birthday wish for Singapore and all Singaporeans as we move towards our 45th National Day, less than a month away.
For our 45th birthday, I wish for all Singaporeans to want to give more of themselves, and to actually give more of themselves. I wish for more, even all Singaporeans to play direct, involved, engaged roles to help Singapore grow as an Economy, evolve as a Society, and unify, achieve and win as a Nation.
I will share more of my thoughts in future entries on Craft of State, Art of Society, Science of Economy. Till then, let me end this entry by posing these questions.
Can you do more for Singapore? If yes, where best to focus your time, energies, passions, and finances? Perhaps you are in a position to grow more jobs, improve the quality and type of jobs, take decisions to improve productivity in a phenomenal way in your industry/organization; perhaps you have the autonomy to hire ex-offenders, physically disabled Singaporeans, older Singaporeans etc, and in the process help improve our Economy? Perhaps you want to volunteer in grassroots activities, you want to provide life's basics & staples like food, shelter, education, care, finances to the less fortunate and in the process help improve your direct community and our overall Society?
How best can you contribute? Through 1 avenue (like through the Science of Economy), or through 2 avenues? Perhaps even all 3 avenues? We can all do more. We can all positively influence our family, friends, loved ones, communities to do more. We can all choose to do more. The choice is ours to make --- whether to do more, or less; whether to be more involved, more engaged, or less. What is your choice?